Claybelt Chronicles ~Volume TWO Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
4 H 78, 134, 154
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A.B. Gordon Lumbering Company 39
A.J. Murphy Lumbering Company 37, 39
Academy Ste. Marie 126
Adams, Charles Howard 6
Adams, David 6
Adams, John 6
Adams, Laura Doreen (née Morrow) 6
Adams, Robert 'Bob' 6
Adam's Mine Anti-Garbage Organization 199
Agnico Mines 116
Agricultural College 154
Aitchison, Tom 77
Algonquin Park 107
Algonquin Regiment 20
Alore, Eif 73
Ambeau, Ron 95
Amell , Mary 37
Anderson, Arthur 37
Anderson, Clara 37
Anderson, Elmer 37
Anderson, James 37
Anderson, Lawrence 37
Anderson, Mary 37
Anderson, Mary (née Amell) 37
Anderson, Norman 37
Anderson, Thomas 37
Anderson, Violet 37
Anderson, Wilbert 37
Andrews, Ms. 167
Anglican Church 175
Anyan, Howard 154
Armstrong, Lois (née Jewell) 15
Armstrong Motors 106, 135
Armstrong, Peter 15
Armstrong, Tim 15
Armstrong's Garage 105
Arnold, Amy (née Burton) 22, 24
Arnold, Christine Cameron (née Russell) 22
Arnold, George Robert 22
Arnold, George Robert Ashmore 22
Arnold, Jacqueline Frances Amy Ashmore 22
Arnold, Jeanne Isabel Ashmore 22
Arnold, Stephen 22
Arnold, Stephen Ashmore 22
Arnold, William 'Bill' Frederick 22
asafoetida 121
Ashley Mine 53
Aubrey Cousins Bridge 39
Auger, Marty 148
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Back to the Land Movement 16
Bailey, Ernie 98
Bank of Nova Scotia 185
Baptist Church 164
Barkel, Ms. 167
Barker, Alfred 174
Barker, Alma (née Johnston) 80
Barker Trio, The 174, photo 175
Barker, Winnifred (née Saunders) 174
Barlow, David 160
Barlow, Elizabeth Ann (née Ellis) 160
Barlow, Samuel James 160
Barr, Bill and Rita 74
Batty, Bill 96
Batty, Tom 96
Beach, Mrs. 132, 142
Beatty, Henry 17
Beatty, Jim 17
Beauchamp School 45
Beef Improvement Association 156
Bell, Lori (née Evans) 68
Benoit's Garage 147
Bethel Gospel Chapel 66, 191
Bigelow, Everett 31
Bijoux Theatre 127, 129, 167
Binkley's Store 133
Bledsoe, Glenda 188
Bochart, Mr. 151
Boland, Emily Mae 'Nellie' (née Watt) 30
Boland, James Wilson 30
Bolger, Retta (née Winters) 203
Boothby, Myrtle 92
Borgford, Murray 100
Bowen, Alice Margaret 31
Bowen, Avril Eileen 30
Bowen, Baden Sherlock 'Lockie' 31
Bowen, Barbara Isobel 30
Bowen, Christina 31
Bowen, Donald Enisley 30
Bowen, Emma Ellen 30
Bowen, Fran 123
Bowen, Gladys Ione 30
Bowen, Jean Elizabeth (née Boland) 30, 31, 121
Bowen, Melvin Orville 30
Bowen, Olive Fern 30
Bowen, Rosalie 121
Bowen, Ruby McPherson 30v
Bowen, Walter 31
Bowers, Ron 10
Bowes Ford Garage 66
Boyce, Charlie 194
Boyd, Rev. 44
Bray, Evelyn 132
Brazeau, Marcel 157
Brock, Myrtle 116
Broderick, Jim 95
Brooks, Delbert 155
Broughton, Joan 11
Brown, Herb 100
Brown, Miss 196
Brydge, Ena Elenore (née Johnston) 84
Byrdge, William 84v
Brytle, Fred 128
Brytle, Myrtle (née Hurst) 125
Bullen, Dr. 91
Bunker Military Museum 186
Burke, Joan (née McLellan) 116
Burke, Patricia Anne (née Kelly) 92v
Burkholder, Mr. 93v
Burnes, Allan 34
Burnes, Bill 34
Burnes, Charlene 34
Burnes, Doris Ida (née Kirkwood) 34
Burns, Arthur John 37
Burns, Bill 42
Burns, Dan 37
Burns, Evelyn Beatrice (née Anderson) 37
Burns, Evelyn Muriel (née Johnson) 42
Burns, John 37
Burns, Joseph 42
Burns, Josh 42
Burns, [Captain] McCarthy 37
Burns, Nick 42
Burns, Pete 42
Burns, Sam 42
Burns, William Roy 42
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Caisse Populaire Bank 147
Caldwell, Donna Joyce (née Shepherdson)139, 149
Campsall's Electric 146v
Canada Packers 98
Canadian Brotherhood of Railroads Community 166
Canadian Cattlemen's Association 156
Canadian Girls in Training 11
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 185
Canadian Revenue Agency 35
Canadian Smelting and Refinery Company 172
Canadian Splint Lumber Corporation 93
Canadian Tire 118, 200
Carr, Albert 15
Carr, Doris (née Jewell) 15
Carr, Norman 74
Carter, Frank 204
Carter's Taxi 117
Cassidy, Angus 48
Cassidy, Austin 48
Cassidy, Ernie 48
Cassidy, Eva 48
Cassidy, Lena 48
Cassidy, Leonard Anthony 48
Cassidy, Leslie 48
Cassidy, Norman 'Ted' 48
Cassidy, Olive 48
Cassidy, Vera Maud (née Moore) 48
Castle Mine 45
Caswell, Elsie 86
Catholic Women's League 127
Catt, Margaret 89
Catt, Maurice 84v
Charlton, Linda (née Winters) 203
Chester, Miss 60
Chitaroni, Albert 52
Chitaroni, Carlo 52
Chitaroni, Elio 52
Chitaroni, Joseph 52
Chitaroni, Mary (née Frabri) 52
Chitaroni, Paola 'Paul' 52
Clark's Ladies Wear 91
Classic Theatre 127, 167
Clean Scene Laundry and Dry Cleaning 134, 194
Cloutier, Agilea 102
Cloutier, Ernest 102
Co-op 142
Cobalt Catholic School 48
Cobalt Historical Society 186
Cobalt Library 186
Cobalt Market 60
Cobalt National Park 186
Cobalt Public School 18, 53
Cobalt United Church 186
Colquhoun, Ralph 151, 196, 199
Community Hall 195
Community of Christ 152
Conlin, Connie (née Josefowich) 90
Conlin, Eldridge 145
Conlin, Mertie 145
Conlin, Sam 90
Conlin's Fuel 6
Connelly Motors 110
Conroy, Mrs. 198
Cook, Gordon 'Barney' 18
Cook, Helen (née Johnston) 80
Cook, Ileen Margaret (née Morrow) 60, 120
Cook, Marg 11
Cook, Mr. 134
Couttsville School 86, 87
Cornwall General Hospital 34
Cragg's Lumber 44
Craig, Anne & Bill 118
Craik, Katharine (née Adams) 6
Crawford, Florence (née Morrow) 120
Crete, Zia 25
Curling Club 26
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Dale's School 18
Davidson, Miss 151
Dean, Dalton 113
DeBernardo, Gene 95
Deitrick, Hilda (née Morrow) 120
Delgreco, Jean (née McLellan) 116
Department of Highways 67, 93, 134
Department of National Revenue 35
Dewar, Faye (see also Young)(née Morrow) 120
dog sled races 200
Dominion Bridge 182
Dominion Store 17
Doubleday Book Club 81
Douglas, Debbie (née Johnston) 81
Dreyer, Betty (née Morrow) 6
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Eaton Knitting Mills 91
Eatons 44, 49, 75, 91, 187
Eckensviller, Henry 93
Edgewater Motel 12
Edmonton Hospital 118
Edwards, Agnes Evelyn (née Veitch) 64
Edwards, Chester Hutchings 84
Edwards, Jack 194
Edwards, Milford 'Ford' Stuart 84
Edwards, Milford Reginald 84
Edwards, Roy 194, 200
Edwards, Sadie Hutchings (née Taylor) 84
Eleanor Simmons Mission Circle 110
Elk Lake Public School 198
Elliot, Mr. 167
Emerson, Faith 202
Empire Lumber Company 38
Empire Theatre 54, 56
England, Jack 145
Englehart High School 45
Englehart Public School 31
Eplett's Creamery 6
Eplett's Ice Cream Factory 107, 194
Evans Block 68
Evans, Cary Birdie (née Parker) 68
Evans, Dulcie (née McKinnon) 68
Evans, Helen 68
Evans, Irene (née Lewis) 180
Evans, John 'Jack' Oswald 68
Evans, Kathleen Swayson (née Hayes) 68
Evans, Mrs. 142
Evans, Parker 68
Enas, William James
Evelyn Shop 128
Extendicare 111, 129
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Fairway Department Store 140
Farlinger, Dr. 152
Farmer's Advocate 138
Fielder, Betty May (née Shepherdson)139, 149
Fielder, Elsie (née Barker)174
Fielding, Allen 84
Fielding, Dorothy Ruth (née Johnston) 84
Fielding, Timothy 87
Findlay, Doug 18
Findlay, Frank 200
Findlay's Dog Races 200
Findlay's Drug Store 17, 200
First Baptist Church 106, 110
Fisher, Mrs. 77
Five Nation Conference 157
Fleming, Charlie 114
Fleming, Doris Evelyn (née Wilson) 197
Fleming, Dr. 194
Fleming, William 197
Florence Shop 128
Foley, Doug 124
Foley, Edna (née Morrow) 120,
Foley, Howard 121
Foley Virgil 121
Ford, George 7
Ford Museum 107
Forsythe, Brenda 198
France, Mr. 87
Fraser House 20
Frazer, Miss 24, 25, 151, 195
Freemason 70
Friesen, Patricia-Jan (née Morrow) 6
Fudger House 27
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Gadsby, Josephine 'Josie' 19
Gareau, Roger 170, 171
General Motors 106
George Taylor Hardware, Limited 18
Gibson, Wilda Adeline (née Roach) 73
Gibson's Red and White 74
Gilboe, Margaret 196
Gill, Kathleen (née Johnston) 80
Globe and Mail 69, 71
Golden Age Club in Cobalt 115
Gospel Chapel 65
Gowdy, Mr. 44
Graceland College 155
Grand and Lyric Theatre 167
Grand Union Hotel 16, 166
Grants see also P. J. Grant Lumbering Company 114
Grawley, Alice Anne (née Cooke) 109
Grawley, Beatrice 109
Grawley, Helen 109
Grawley, Matilda 109
Grawley, Margaret 109
Grawley, Stephen 109
Green, Mr. 151
Greenwood's Restaurant 74
Griffin, Mrs. 31
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Hager, Vera 84
Haggerty, Annie 92
Haileybury Curling Club 115
Haileybury Heritage Museum 115
Haileybury Hospital 98, 114
Haileybury Hotel 114
Haileybury Public School 113
Haileybury School of Mines 167, 185
Hallet, Mr. 61
Hanmer, Mr. Forest 19, 151, 196
Harling, Garfield 76
Harling, Verna (née Peters) 76
Harris, Mr. & Mrs. 31
Harris Drug Store 31
Harvey, Mrs. 151
Hawken, Betty 174
Hawken, Elizabeth 'Beth' (née Phillips) 134
Hawken, Harry 174
Hawken, Jamie (Mayor) 174
Hawken, Shirley 174
Hawken, William 174
Hawker-Sidley 41
Hayden Concert Orchestra 199
Hearn, Marilyn (née Winters) 203
Heaslip Fair 202
Heaslip Hall 203
Heaslip, Miss 195
Heeney, Elsie (née Sutton) 160
Helmer, Rupert 196
Herbert, Bob (M.P.P.) 40
Hershey, Mr. 25
Hetherington, Morley 18
Hewitt, Cecil 97
Hewitt, Foster 8
Higgins, Sarah 92
Highland School 77, 78
Highway Book Shop 186
Hild, Marc 95
Hill, James 113
Hill-Clark-Francis, Limited 18, 23, 26, 32, 62, 66, 74, 96 117, 118, 139,140, 145, 163
Hillcoat, Jean (née Thompson) 131
Hillcoat, Jim 132
Hillcoat, Robert 131
Hills Lake Hatchery 99
HMS Eagle 169
Hoehle, Darlen (née McLellan) 116
Home Cafe 70
Home Outfitters 179
Houghton, Sadie 202
Hudson Consolidated School 60, 77, 121
Hudson Fire Department 124
Hurst, Frank 125
Hurst, George 125
Hurst, John 125
Hurst, Lawrence 125
Hurst, Elzir (née Valliére) 125
Husky Station 106
Hydro Electric Power Company 123
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Inglis Tiling 66
Investors Syndicate Group 146
Isherwood, Joseph 112
Isherwood, Mary Cropper (née Cummins) 112
Isherwood, William 112
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J. W. Brown Horse Exchange 116
James, Florence Kate (née Arnold) 22
Jarvis, Dianne Doris (née Willard) 188
Jarvis, Hugh 188
Jarvis, Mrs. 61
Jewell, Asa 15
Jewell, Margaret (née Morrison) 15
Jewell, Seth 15
Jibb, Bert & Betty 76
Jibb, Grant 76
Jibb, Herb 77
Jibb, Larry 76
Jibb, Laura Ilene (née Peters) 76
Jibb, Morley John 76
Jibb, Norman 142
John Clark Building Enterprises 123, 139
Johnson, Mabel Viola (née Ball) 42
Johnson, Milton 96
Johnson, William Robert 'Burt' 42, 46,
Johnston, Beatrice (née Newton) 80
Johnston, Grace Beatrice (née Edwards) 84
Johnston, Norman 84
Johnston, Sarah Jane (née Willard) 136
Johnston, Wellington 136
Johnston, Wilfred 80
Josefowich, Bettie 90
Josefowich, Edith Pauline (née Melitzer) 90
Josefowich, Thomas Philip 90
Junior Farmers 98, 122, 154
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Keeley Frontier Mine 171
Kelly, Alberta (née Anderson) 94
Kelly, Florence Ella (née Connell) 92
Kelly, James Wellington 92
Kelly, James Herbert
Kelly, Karl 92
Kelly, Marjorie Emily (née Sheppard) 92
Kelly, Truman 92
Kelly, Verna 92
Kemp and Kemp 196
Kemp, Janet 151
Kennedy Space Centre 110
Kerns Central Public School 135
Kesseler, Don 116
Kesseler, Gloria (née McLellan) 116
Kesty, Dr. 91
Kinard, Emily Ione (née Shepherdson) 144
Kinard, Robert 144
Kinch, Barbara (née Phillips) 134
Kirkey, Daisy (née Arnold) 22
Kirkland Lake Collegiate and Vocational Institute 35
Kirkland Lake Hospital 95
Kirkwood, Burton 34
Kirkwood, Charles 34
Kirkwood, Nora (née Coons) 34
Kiwanis 20
Kiwanis Music Festival 175
Klawitter, Brent 188
Klawitter, Gail Linda (née Willard) 188
Knott, Jim 95
Kocia, Charlene Jane (née Shepherdson) 139, 149
Koniewich, Nick 93
Kosmack 31, 144
Kosmack, Manley 78
Kramp, Alice Marie (née Lefebvre) 95
Kramp, Dayn 13
Kramp, Mary (née James) 95
Kramp, Nancy (née Adams) 6, 13, 95
Kramp, William 'Bill' Orville 95
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Labine, Bessie (née Phillips) 132
Lady Evelyn Hotel 39, 40
Lady Minto Hospital 6, 15, 22, 42, 120, 144, 152, 188
Lake Athabasca 57
Lakeshore Mine 53, 54
Lalonde, Dora 126
Lambert, George 27
Landriault, Rita Joan (née Clouthier) 102
Latchford Public School 49
Lauzon, Vera (née Chitaroni) 52
Lavery, Bill 198
Lavery' Jewellery 78
Lawrence, Glad 17
Leaside United Church 27
Lefevbre, Ron 98
Legion 129, 179
Les Femmes Chretien 102
Leslie, Bob 76
Leslie, Dorothy (née Jibb) 76
Lewis, Isabella Ann (née Evans) 180
Lewis, William John 180
Life Underwriters Association of Temiskaming 70
Limehouse United Church 44
Lioness 91
Lions Club 70, 108, 145, 178
Loach, Glen 203
Locke, Andrew Wayne 109
Locke, Carlene Beth 109
Locke, Piper Lee 109
Locke, Wayne 139
Locke, Wendy Laverne (née Ridley) 139
Logan, Ruth 148
Lowe, Stan 117
Lundia Shelving 163
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MacArthur, Don 115
MacDougall, Winnifred (née Barker) 174
MacKinnon, Cameron Alexander 144
MacMillan, Miss 151
MacNamara Construction 45
Maddock, Elsie (née Arnold) 22, 24
Maddock, Ernie 26
Maddock, Stan 26
Maguire, Miss 61
Maille's 121
Males, Audrey Vivian (née Borgford) 104
Males, Gladys Mary (née Ludlow) 104
Males, Gordon Ephraim 104
Males, Joan (née Phillips) 134
Mallet, Bill 71
Marlin, Miss 92
Martin Bud Mine 186
Marvin, Ted 57
Mason Foulds [law office] 27
Masonic Lodge 70, 98
Matabitchuan Power Plant 184
Matheson, Jacqueline 'Jackie' (née O'Grady) 125, 130
Mathew'sMotors 168
McAllister, Carol Anne 109
McAllister, Douglas Harold 109
McAllister, Evelyn Mary (née Grawley) 109
McAllister, Marion 109
McAllister, Thomas Harold 109
McAnaul, Brian 112
McAnaul, Josephine Elizabeth (née Isherwood) 112
McAnaul, Karen 112
McAnaul, Molleen 112
McAnaul, Willeen 112
McAnaul, William Wesley 112
McArthur, Louise 196
McCool Public School 96
McCracken, Sybil 186
McEwen's Grocery Store 167
McFarland, Amy (née Arnold) 22
McFarland, Mr. 93
McGillis, Arthur 176
McGillis, Bruce 176
McGillis, Burt 176
McGillis, Cecilia (née Fairman) 176
McGillis, Daisy 176
McGillis, Earl 176
McGillis, Elda 176
McGillis, Elva 176
McGillis, Ida 176
McGillis, Joseph 176
McGillis, Neil 176
McGuire, Muriel 132
McGuire's Garage 97, 117
McKay, Marg 17
McKay Sales and Service 110
McKenzie, Don 92
McKinley Motors 110
McKnight, Vera 24, 195
McLaren, Miss 24
McLellan, Allan John 116
McLellan, Jean Lillian (née Badgley) 116
McLellan, John Archie 116
McLellan, Joseph 116
McLellan, Mable (née Dunn) 116
McLuney, Frances 92
McMonagle, Don 195
McMurchie, Dr. 31
McNamara Construction Company 170
McNaughton, Trish 114
McNeil, Mrs. 45
Melitzer, Emerson 90
Melitzer, Louise Kinds (née Vater) 90
Messenger, Doris 13, 95
Meteor 15, 37, 70, 104
Miclash, Carole (née O'Grady) 125
Mid-Canada Line 123
Mik Mak Fabrication 76
Milberta School 77, 78, 132
Milberta Senior Citizens 47
Miller, Harry George 184
Miller, Edward 184
Miller, Irene 184
Miller, Roy 184
Miller, Ethel
Miller, Lillian Maud (née Martin) 184
Miller Lorrain Mine 186
Miller, Stanley 184
Mills, Fred 163
Ministry of Transportation of Ontario 32
Misericordia Hospital 37
Moddle, Roland 202
Monk, Kenny 71
Monohan, Margery 92
Moore, Carlene Beth (née Ridley) 139
Moore, Carlyanna 139
Moore, Jessie (née Moore) 48
Moore, Joseph Ernest 48
Moore, Ted 139
Morrow, Bettye Lee (née Matchett) 120
Morrow, Elzie 6, 60, 120
Morrow, Eric William 120
Morrow, Fannie Elizabeth (née Ford) 6
Morrow, Lloyd 120
Morrow, Margaret Grace (née McMann) 60, 120
Morrow, William Charles 120
Murison, Charlotte (née Barlow) 160
Murphy' Lumber Company 49, 50
Murray, Mr. 151
Mustard, Dr. 153
Mutual Life Assurance Company 70
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Nancy Helen Mine 173
National Grocers 9, 93
Neal, May (née Rooney) 201
New Liskeard and District Hospital 140
New Liskeard College of Agricultural Technology 158
New Liskeard Cubs 147
New Liskeard High School 17, 145, 196
New Liskeard Hospital 98, 114, 184
New Liskeard Public School 17, 68, 105, 145, 151, 175, 195
Newton, Bruce 80
Newton, Ellen 80
Newton, Frank 80, 96
Newton, John 80
Newton, Myrtle (née Masters) 80
Newton's Wood and Coal Company 117
Nightingale, Chester 74
Nightingale, Norma 121
Nipissing Mine 54
Nixon, Begg and Hutchinson 175
Noble, Jim 92
Normal School [Teacher's College, North Bay] 162, 196, 197
North, Marjorie (née Evans) 68
North Cobalt Catholic School 117
North Middlesex General Hospital 181
North-Eastern Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association 158
Northdale Manor 35, 48, 66, 86, 88, 110, 129, 143, 165, 179, 197, 198
Northern & Central Gas 140
Northern College 182
Northern Ontario North-western Quebec Light and Power Company 194
Northern Ontario Power Company 168
Northern Telephone Company 25, 26, 106, 114, 162, 173
Northland Tavern 39, 41
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O'Brien Mine 58
O'Grady, John Joseph 125
O'Grady, Kenneth 125
O'Grady's Ladies Wear 128
O'Grady, Lelita (née Hurst) 125
O'Grady, Raymond 'Ray' 125
Ontario Association of Architects 27
Ontario Cattlemen's Association 156
Ontario Hydro 41, 197
Order of the Eastern Star 115
O'Shaughnessy, Sharon (née Evans) 68
Oswald, Miss 151
Ottawa Civic Hospital 35
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P. J. Grant Lumbering Company 39
Paddon Transfer 93
Palace Restaurant 70
Paoletti, family 54
Park Royal 190
Parker, Richard 68
Patriquin, Irene (née Hurst) 125
Patriquin, Patrick 128
Patterson Steamship Lines 69
Pearson Airport 52
Pearson, Warren 115
Peckover, Lucy 89
Pedersens Construction Company123
Pedersen, Norma 121
Pensens [store] 122
Penygraig Elementary School for Small Children 181
Percy, Dr. 182
Perrin' Funeral Home 123
Pete' Dam 203
Peters, Calvin 76
Peters, Clarence 76
Peters, Dalton 76
Peters, Effie 76
Peters, Gerald Cass 76
Peters, Mildred (née Bush) 76
Peters, Ralph 76
Peters, Rodney 76
Peters, Viola 76
Phillips, Dorothy (née Morrow) 120, 131, 188
Phillips, Jack 134
Phillips, Jean Landis (née Hillcoat) 131
Phillips, John Lewis 131
Phillips, Terry 134
Pickle Crow 39
Pipher Maternity Home 136
Plaunt, Anne 13
Plaunt, Harvey 118
Ploughing Matches 124
Poff , Mr. 151
Pollock, Miss 195
Poole, Norma (née Evans) 68
Porteous, Beverly Rose (née Willard) 188
Presbyterian Church 75
Prince of Wales 58
Pringle, Hazel 61
Proctor, Reg 24
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Quebec Hydro 74
Queen's University 199
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Ramsay [law office] 27
Raymond, Ms. 161
Rebekah Lodge 50 , 142, 167
Red Cross Hospital 112
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 152
Rexwood 87, 88, 117, 190
Rhodes, Ilene (née Sutton) 160
Richie, Wallace 145
Ridley, Audrey Minota (née Shepherdson) 139, 149
Riverside Place 110
Roach, Ambose Walter Reuben 73
Roach, George 73
Roach, Matilda (née Hartley) 73
Roach, Merle 73
Roach, Roydon 73
Roach, Vernon 73
Robinson, Betty Joy (née Johnston) 84
Robinson, Douglas 84
Robinson's Ladies Wear 16, 17, 110
Rogers, Miss 27
Rooney, Adeline May (née Rooney) 201
Rooney, Albert 201
Rooney, David 201
Rooney, Gordon Leonard 201
Rooney, Howard 201
Rooney, Myrtle 201
Rooney, Wallace 201
Rooney, Wilbert 201
Rose, Allan Leyman 141
Rose, Clara Margaret 141
Rose, Ellen Selena 'Nellie' 141
Rose, Emily Charlotte (née Pannell) 141
Rose, George Mons 'Jiggs' 141
Rose, Hazel Irene 141
Rose, Iva Muriel 141
Rose, Lorenzo James 'Jay' 141
Rose, Marjorie Mona 141
Rose, Reuben Samuel 141
Rose, Thomas Henry 141
Rowe, Ms. 167
Roy Silver Mine 98
Royal Bank of Canada 89, 107
Royal Canadian Air Force 139, 168,185
Royal Conservatory of Music 27, 175
Roy's Restaurant 114
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S.S. # 1 Armstrong 202
Saint Hubert' Airport 168
Salvation Army 86, 128
Sam' Place 166
Savoir, Mademoiselle 129
Schubert, Doriel 76
Schubert, Elsie 92
Schubert, James Lawrence 141
Schubert, Violet Laverne (née Rose) 141
Scott, Evelyn (née Hurst) 125,
Semple, Hughie 163
Semple, Miss 60
Sharp, Mr. [baker] 10
Sharpe, Allen 71
Shepherdson, Ada Clare (née Johnston) 136, 149
Shepherdson, Albert 136
Shepherdson and Sons 139
Shepherdson, Bill 93
Shepherdson Casket Factory 71
Shepherdson, Clair Francis 3, 139, 149
Shepherdson, Darwood Morley 149
Shepherdson, Donald Charles 144
Shepherdson, Edith (née Kosmack) 144
Shepherdson, Edwin Wesley 149
Shepherdson, Eldon Claremont 139, 149
Shepherdson, Floyd William 139, 149
Shepherdson, Frances Elizabeth (née Edwards)149
Shepherdson, Frederick Wilson 144
Shepherdson, Joan Mildred Ashmore (née Arnold) 22
Shepherdson, Kenneth Laverne 139, 149
Shepherdson, Keri Marlene 149
Shepherdson, Llewellyn Archie 149
Shepherdson Lumber and Building Company, Limited 71, 93, 138, 151
Shepherdson, Mary Jane (née Cutting) 136
Shepherdson, Morley Darwood 139, 149
Shepherdson, Ray 139, 149
Shepherdson, Ruth Elsie (née Tucker) 144
Shepherdson, Stephen Donald 144
Shepherdson, Susan Ruth 144
Shepherdson, Verdun Garfield 71, 139, 149
Shepherdson, Wesley Wyatt 136, 149
Shepherdson, William Sr. 118, 149
Sherman Mine 118
Sherritt, Lily 7
shivaree 123, 199
Sick Children's Hospital for Sick Kids see Toronto Hospital for Sick Children
Silver Miller Mines 56, 185
Silverland 53
Simpson Sears 27, 81
Smith, Eric [musician]199
Smith, Frances (née Hurst) 125
Smith, Henry 132
Smith, Mr. [photographer] 25
Spangler, Hazel (née Pringle) 61
Spanish Flu 7
Speaker see Temiskaming Speaker
Speck, Sylvester 168
Spencer 16
Spencer, Hazel 196
Spencer's Jewellers 16, 78
Sprint 28
St. Jean, Beth (née Armstrong) 15
St. John's Ambulance 110
St. Joseph's Hospital 176
St. Paul's United Church 122, 142
Ste. Therese Catholic Church 126, 128
Stadlebaur' Furniture Store 179
State Registered Fever Nurse 181
State Registered Nurse 181
Stedalman, Bill 96
Stewart, Doris (née Evans) 68
Stewart, Miss 195
Streaehorn, Eva (née Hurst) 125
Sumbler, John 196
Sumbler' Florist Shop 163, 196
Sunny Ridge Farms 158
Sunnyside Restaurant 117
Sutcliffe, Mr. 87
Sutton, Elmer E. 160
Sutton, Mabel Evelyn (née Barlow) 160
Sutton, Ronald 160
Sweeny, Tim 96
Sweetnam, Herbert 195
Swiall, Doctor 127
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T&E Rentals 91
Taylor, Calvin Howard 166
Taylor, Calvin James 166
Taylor, Don 166
Taylor, James 'Jim' 166
Taylor, Katherine Permilla (née Hamilton) 166
Taylor, Patricia Ann 166
Taylor, Rick 166
Taylor, Roger 166
Taylor, Ruth 166
Taylor, Ruth (née Stewart) 17, 19, 84
Taylor, Violet (née Scott) 166
Telephone Company see Northern Telephone
Temagami Mines 171
Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway 12, 31, 166, 170, 194
Temiskaming Agricultural Development Association 158
Temiskaming and District Secondary School 184v
Temiskaming Boy Scouts Council 158
Temiskaming Cattlemen's Association 156
Temiskaming Community Choir. 158
Temiskaming Crops Coalition 158
Temiskaming Festival of Music 158
Temiskaming Health Unit 35
Temiskaming Lodge 129
Temiskaming Printing 106
Temiskaming Shores Minor Hockey Association 146
Temiskaming Speaker 106, 167
Temiskaming Testing Laboratories 19, 48
Temiskaming Writer's Guild 186
Thom, Grace (née Evans) 68
Thornloe Crossroads Baptist Church 82
Thornloe United Church Women 204
Tice, Mrs. 161
Tilford, Mrs. 31
Timiskaming Mall 16
Toronto Baptist Church 81
Toronto Sick Kid's Hospital 43 152, 182
Town of New Liskeard 190
Trail Rangers 93
Tri-Town Extendicare 111, 129
Tucker, Charles 147
Tucker, Len 74
Turnball, Neil 19
Tysick, Mark 188
Tysick, Sharon Anne (née Willard) 188
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United Church 11, 70, 98, 100, 119, 142, 145, 146
United Church Women 78, 134
University of Guelph 36
University of Ottawa 199v
University of Toronto 19
Uttley, Harold 174
Uttley, Margaret (née Barker) 174
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Valleyview Cemetery 117, 118
Van de Wall, Greg 81
Van de Wall, Lynn (née Johnston) 81
Veitch, Amelia (née Purnis) 64
Veitch, Charles 64
Vendome Hotel 109
Veteran's Land Act 106
Victoria College 19
Victorian Order of Nurses 35, 199
Villneff, Margaret (Arnott) 13
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Wabi Iron and Steel Works 32, 62, 77, 78, 107, 114, 118, 145, 175, 178, 203
Wadge, Sam 189
Wagner's Drugstore 194
Walton, Glen 195
Walton's Shoe Store 179
Ward, Jack 196
Wasaga Beach 140
Wathen, Mrs. [choir] 12, 25, 175
Watkins, Iris 180
Watt, Eliza Jane 30
Watt, Peter 30
Watters, Porky 116
Watts, Murray 171
Western University 21, 35
Weston, Garfield 168
Whalen, Bruce 176
Whalen, Cecilia Alexandra (née McGillis) 176
Whalen, Clifford 176
Whalen, Fay 176
Whalen, Joy 176
Whippet 138, 147
White, Carlton Miller 180
White, David Carlton Curtis 180
White, Elizabeth Ann (née Lewis) 180
White, George 26
White, Susan Elizabeth 180
Wickett, Jeannette 137
Widdifield, Mrs. 151, 195
Wignall, Bud 26
Wilcox, Arthur 184
Wilcox, Douglas 184
Wilcox, Gladys Florence (née Miller) 184
Wilcox, John 170
Wilcox, Terry 184
Wilder, Gladys (née Arnold) 22
Willard, Archibald Edward 188
Willard, Emmaline 188
Williard, Glenda (née Bledsoe) 188
Willard, Glenn Washington 188
Willard, James Earnest 188
Willard, June Elva 188
Willard, Liliane May (née Sherritt) 188
Willard, Marjorie Caroline 188
Willard, Myrtle 188
Willard, Pearly Alvin 188
Willard, Ricky Pearly 188
Willard, Thelma May 188
Willard, Verla Iolean 188
Willard, Wayne Allan 188
Willard, Wesley Gordon 188
Wilson, Leonard Branch Adamson 193
Wilson, Lloyd Irwin 193
Wilson, Mary Alice (née Irwin) 193
Wilson Motors 110
Wilson, Thelma Aileen (née Pritchard) 193
Winddock 69
Windsor Hotel 97
Winters, Arvilla Adeline Margaret (née Rooney) 201
Winters, John Ellis 201
Winters, Randy 201
Women's Circle for Ontario and Quebec 110
Women's Institute 78, 89, 120, 142
Wood's Hardware 69
Woodsworth College 28
Woolworth's Store 110, 127
World Health Organization 35
Wynn, Bud 140
Wynne, Madeleine (née Hurst) 125
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Young, Faye (see also Dewar)(née Morrow) 120
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