Little Claybelt Homesteaders Museum
New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada
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Claybelt Chronicles Vol. 5

Claybelt Chronicles Volume FIVE

In 2006, we started interviewing our Temiskaming seniors to capture their stories and help keep the history of the area alive with as many first-hand accounts as possible. We've worked hard to help our area's history come alive through the voices of those who were there. These books contain interviews with our seniors who have connections with the pioneer families who first came to the area between 1880s and 1940s. Each volume contains interviews and a photo taken at the time of the interview or from some other source. These books are very popular and widely-sought after.

If you would like to order one, download this PDF form and mail it in with payment, or call the Museum to get your copy. They are available at the Museum's Gift Shop, open in the summer while the Museum is open, other times by appointment. They are also available year round at the book store in Cobalt and online at White Mountain Publications.

Go here for the INDEX to this volume.

ISBN-978-0-9864785-05-1 | 8½" x 11" | 210 pages; trade paperback | $30.00

Volume Five includes the interviews from the following seniors:

Bowers, Allan Robert Rowe

Bumstead, June Elva (née Willard)

Burnett, Sheila May (née Card)

Caldwell, William Charles

Checkley, Spencer

Dobbs, Sheldon Charles

Dudgeon, William Edwin

Edwards, Harold Wesley

Edwards, Norma Jean (née Byerlay)

Farrow, Irma Anna (née McGrath)

Fowler, Dorothy Margaret (née Scott)

Gagne, William Edward

Hearn, Wilfred Edward

Hermiston, Ernest Bruce

Hetherington, John William

Huff, Eleanor (née McFarlane)

Jarvis, Daniel Gene McGee

Johnson, George

Johnson, Marian Elizabeth (née Catt)

Kelly, Marjorie Emeline (née Sheppard)

Lavigne, Mary Kathleen (née Fleming)

Leveille, Isabelle Fanny (Smith) (née Bowers)

Loach, Thomas Albert

McDonald, Ross Douglas

McKelvie, Eleanor June (née Scott)

Patriquin, Alice Irene (née Miller)

Poupore, Andrew William

Robertson, Ronald Leonard

Ross, Nola Verna Genevieve (née Taylor)

Shepherdson, Ruth Elsie (née Tucker)

Strah, Patricia A. (née Leng)

Sutton, Roy Alexander

Taylor, Linda Davis (née Turner)

Tessier, Dorothy Viola (née Aitchison)

Villneff, Ernest Wesley

Walsh, Alva Marie ("Toots") (née Parker)

Waugh, Douglas Glen

White, Kathleen Stuart (née Nixon)

Williams, Vernon Clair

Wilson, Nora Cairine (née McKee)

Young, John Ivan Morley
